The NFL UK wanted more young British men to watch the Super Bowl at midnight, on a Sunday night, in the dead of winter. Our approach was a campaign featuring burly American football players that would berate them for being a bunch of soccer-loving nancy boys in desperate need of some Super Bowl. It was obnoxious. It was dumb. It was borderline offensive. But we got to say "Super Bowl" as many times as we wanted and broke the viewership records for American football.

In the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, the campaign featured heavy radio, wild postings in nightlife districts and college towns, scratch-n-sniff cards that smelled like sweat and a total novelty to my British co-workers, Super Bowl GRRRR! beef jerky.

Creatives: Daniel Bremmer, Jon Mitchell & Dan Norris. Creative Directors: Naresh Ramchandani and David Buonaguidi. Music by Justin Hawkins of The Darkness (long story).